11:30 Release - 02/06/2025

(207) 465-7384 Every Student, Every School, Every Day
RSU18 Content

Online Safety

We know that you, as a parent, may be concerned with your child’s use of online tools and other technologies that help aid in their learning at school. We share your concern and continuously look for ways to benefit from the vast amount of helpful online tools but your child’s online safety is our top priority. When considering a new online tool, we read the fine print to ensure they are not using your child’s information for commercial use and we only provide necessary directory information for that child to use the program. We believe that our strong practices meet or exceed the requirements with respect to all federal laws regarding COPPA, CIPA, and FERPA.

Common Sense Media

A great online resource for Parents, Educators and other advocates to learn more about online safety regarding children.


COPPA (Child Online Privacy Protection Act)

An act that prohibits online services from collecting data from anyone under the age of 13.

FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)

An act allowing parents the right to access student records but is also intended to limit the sharing of student information unless it is for educational purposes.

CIPA (Child Internet Protection Act)

An act that requires schools to provide a base level of filtering to keep students off potentially harmful websites.

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