RSU 18 Recognized for Let’s Go Program
RSU 18 schools have participated in Let’s Go program since 2011 and China Schools have been participating since 2008.
Let’s Go Awards were given by Northern Light Inland Hospital recently and our schools were recognized for their outstanding participation in the program.
The 5-2-1-0 program stands for 5 or more fruits and vegetables every day, 2 hours or less of recreational screen time, 1 hour or more of physical activity and 0 sugary drinks, MORE WATER. This year the following schools in RSU 18 earned recognition:
Ralph Atwood Primary School- Bronze Award
Belgrade Central School- Gold Award
– Gold Star Award given to faculty member-Eric Brooks
China Primary School- Participation Award
James H. Bean Elementary School- Bronze Award
Williams Elementary School- Participation Award
China Middle School- Participation Award
Messalonskee Middle School- Bronze Award
Messalonskee High School- Participation Award
Awards were handed out at the Board of Directors meeting by Baylee Doughty, Community Health Coordinator from Inland Hospital and Let’s Go! Program.