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Meet RSU 18’s Assistant Superintendent, Keith Morin

Meet our Assistant Superintendent, Keith Morin!

What was your greatest memory from last school year? 

There are many great memories to call upon. Probably my favorite funny memory might be when I offered to challenge a student at Ralph Atwood Primary School to a game of Chess only to be told that I needed to practice first.

What are you most looking forward to about this upcoming school year? 

Watching the excitement of students and staff come into our schools, some for the very first time, and some staff beginning their 40th year. The level of excitement is always something that is easy to get behind.

If you weren’t an administrator, what other profession would you be interested in? 

That is an interesting question. As a child we want to be so many things; when we grow up… I think that holds true for adults too.

Where’s your favorite place to explore? 

I have been to incredible places, and although this might sound odd, I love to explore and travel to places that I haven’t been before. Finding a new trail, road, or traveling to a new place gives you perspective of how great things are elsewhere too.

Sweet, salty, or spicy snacks? 

I would choose salty snacks (feel free to send over any flavor of chips at any time). Carrots and celery sticks are fine too, I suppose!

What is one thing you’d like to share with the students of RSU 18? 

That you all are awesome individuals that can do outstanding things. We are so proud of the great things that you can do and look forward to seeing your accomplishments daily!

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