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Essays and Contests

Many students begin their scholarship search during junior or senior year of high school, without realizing there are a growing number of opportunities for students in elementary and middle school as well.

– Essay writing tips

American Legion High School Oratorical Scholarship Program
Open to students in grades 9-12

Arrive Alive Creative Contest
Open for graduating Maine high school seniors
Students may enter by submitting a creative project that sends a message to their peers about the dangers of drinking and driving and/or distracted driving

Kennebec County Medical Society Essay Contest
Open to High School Juniors and Seniors
2016 Topic “An Important Health Issue For Teenagers In The World Today”

Korean Spirit and Culture Promotion Project (KSCPP)
Open to Middle School and High School Students
10th National Essay Contest
Deadline: January 8, 2017

Maine Constitution Essay and Poster Contest
Open for students grades K-12
Grades K – 3 draw posters of official Maine symbols
Grades 4 – 5 draw posters with a Maine history theme
Middle and high school students participate in an essay contest

Maine Dairy Princess Scholarship Pageant
4 ages divisions: 5-9, 10-13, 14-17 and 18-23
Prizes: (2) $1000 and (2) $500 academic scholarships for ages 14-23
Cash prizes for the 2 younger age divisions ages 5-13
For info packet: medairyprincess@gmail.com or Sarrah 270-1182 or Katrina 649-7487

Maine Native American History and Culture Essay Contest
Open for students in middle school and high school

Margaret Chase Smith Essay Contest
Open Maine high school seniors

Moody’s Mega Math Challenge
Open to High School Juniors and Seniors, teams of 3-5 students with 1 teacher coach

Prudential Spirit of Community Awards
Open to students in grades 5-12 is a legal resident of any U.S state or Washington D.C., has engaged in a volunteer activity that occurred at least partly during the 12 months prior to the date of application, and submits a completed application to a school principal by deadline

Varsity Tutors Essay contest
Open to students over 16
Varsity Tutors holds a monthly $1,000 college scholarship contest where students over 16 write an essay in response to a monthly prompt. Visitors to the Varsity Tutors scholarship webpage are able to vote via social media for submitted entries. The top five entries with the most votes are reviewed by Varsity Tutors at the end of the month and one winner is subsequently chosen to receive the $1,000 college scholarship.

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