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Tuesday Me-Time, 1/19/2021

Happy Tuesday! I hope you had a wonderful long weekend. Here are some more wellness tips from the RSU 18 Lifestyle Team.

We’re halfway through January, how are your resolutions holding up so far.  Check out this short TED Talk that can help you transform your resolution into a habit.

The 1 minute secret to forming a new habit

This one is for the kids: We got a great response to last week’s TMT focused on children, so we’ve decided to add one link a week that focuses on the young people in your life.

Empowering Kids Who Learn Differently



For many of us, the news and social media have been….less than relaxing lately.  Is it time for a break? Here are a couple of articles that can help you take a step back.



We’ve typically been taught that our brains are pretty much done growing and developing once we hit full adulthood.  Turns out that much of what we thought we knew was wrong. Check out this great podcast from the Good Life Project with neuroscientist Dr. Ryan D’Arcy.


Unlocking your brain’s potential



For those of you who loved the 30 Self-Care Holiday Challenge, we’ve dug up another one from EverlyWell.


Quick Bonus:

Are you suffering from post-holiday letdown? Here are a couple of quick tips from MEABT Virgin Pulse.

  • Dig out the good dishes and treat yourself to some luxurious “me time.” Instead of saving your nice china or dishes for visitors, use it on your own!

  • Bring out the good cups and make yourself a calming cup of green or herbal tea. Sip the stress away in style.



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