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Tuesday Me-Time, 1/26/2021: Persistence

Here we are in the last week of January and 2021 has been… quite eventful already.  If you missed hearing the youngest inaugural poet last week. Here’s a little bit about her and how she came to write her amazing piece. 

And now back to you. It has been a year since the first case of COVID in the US.   Sticking with our goals in the face of all the chaos, anxiety, and change that we’ve all seen in the past year can be so difficult. Here’s a little food for thought and a few tips to try. 


If you’ve never had the opportunity to listen to this amazing speech, check out what actor Denzel Washington has to say about taking risks, persevering, and falling forward. 

Denzel Washington – Graduation Speech 2019


For another inspirational story of perseverance, listen to this podcast about the late, great Hank Aaron. 

If you need a little boost to keep you going, try adding a little color therapy.  Here are 7 brilliant ways to use colors to hack your brain.


And sometimes when it all just gets to be too much, we need to give ourselves a compassion break. 

And one for the kids: When to worry about an anxious child.

Finally to get you moving: Yoga for Transitions and Strength And Endurance Training 


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