12 events found.
Messalonskee High
MHS Grief / Crisis Support Session – open to all students, staff, and parents
Messalonskee High School 131 Messalonskee High Dr, Oakland, ME, United StatesDear Students, Staff, and Parents, The death of a MHS student last week has greatly impacted our entire community. As we get ready to come back to school next... Read More
School Board Meeting
RSU 18 Central Office 41 Heath St, Oakland, ME, United StatesRemote Learning Day – No In Person Classes
Teachers will post assignments to google classroom prior to 9am. Students have 5 "school days" to complete the assignments.
Boys Basketball vs. Falmouth-State Championship
Augusta Civic Center 76 Community Dr, Augusta, ME, United Statescashless admissions-tickets can be purchased at https://gofan.co/app/school/MPAGame can be watched on Maine Public All Sports Boosters will be covering admissions for all MHS students that attend. Please bring your student ID
Boys Ice Hockey vs. Cony-Semifinal Game
Colby College 298 Mayflower Hill Dr, Waterville, ME, United StatesCashless Admissions-tickets can be purchased at https://gofan.co/app/school/MPA.